Experience seven magical, inspiring and artful days in Paris with Marcy and Katherine Tilton.
Room for four
more this fall!
We are happy to announce that we have four spaces available on our Fall 2024 ParisTilton Tour.

If a ParisTilton Tour has been on your bucket list, then make 2024 the year you join us for a wonderful week in the fashion capital of the world.

If you’re ready for seven magical, inspiring, and artful days in Paris, then we invite you to register online now.
Paris anew
Our intimate small-group travel experience is tailored for women who enjoy design, fashion, textiles, art and food, and want to explore and encounter the magic of Paris with a designer's eye
The focus
is on design
Every trip is different, the exhibitions change with the seasons and there are always new shops and restaurants to explore. We love to explore new areas and share our expertise and love of Paris with our groups.

The focus is on design, seeing Paris with a designer's eye, which broadens the scope for everyone, no matter what you do, as Paris is one of the primary centers for all aspects of design.

As we find new experiences and discoveries the tour changes.
What others
are saying...
I enjoyed my Paris adventure so much…what a fabulous FABULOUS trip.

Going to Paris with Marcy was one of the best travel experiences I ever had.

The perfect traveling companions—organized and knowledgeable...